Blanca Rodriguez

Mortgage Loan Originator

NMLS: 242188

Realtor Growth Series: Nurturing Success in Every Session

The Realtor Growth Series is not just a collection of webinars; it's a journey dedicated to helping real estate professionals thrive in today's dynamic market. Our mission is to empower our partners with insights, strategies, and tools that fuel business growth and client success.

Affordability Workshop Recap
The Affordability Workshop, our inaugural session, focused on key aspects crucial for real estate professionals. Led by industry experts Tonya Todd, Sherri Bennett, Angie King, and Samantha Steen, the workshop delved into Down Payment Assistance Myths and effective strategies to overcome affordability challenges.

The engaging discussions and practical tips resonated with participants, providing valuable insights into tailoring strategies for listings and homebuyers, dispelling myths about first-time homebuyer programs, and leveraging tools like Mortgage Insurance for low down payments.

For those who missed the live session or wish to revisit the valuable content, we've made the recording of the Affordability Workshop available.

Our Dedication to Your Success
At Mountain West Financial, our commitment to your success goes beyond webinars. We understand the challenges and opportunities in the real estate landscape, and we are here to support you in serving your clients and achieving your business goals.

Looking Ahead: Future Webinars in the Series
The Affordability Workshop was just the beginning. We have an exciting lineup of future webinars in the Realtor Growth Series, each designed to provide you with actionable insights and strategies. Topics will range from Homeowners Insurance to Solar, ensuring a well-rounded approach to your real estate success.

To ensure you don't miss out on upcoming sessions, keep an eye on your inbox. We will be sending out personalized invitations for each webinar in the series. If you have specific topics you'd like us to cover or if you want to ensure you receive an invitation, feel free to reach out to us directly. Your input is invaluable to us, and we want to tailor our webinars to address the topics that matter most to you.


The Affordability Workshop was a fantastic beginning to the Realtor Growth Series, and we are excited about the journey ahead. Thank you to all who participated, and we look forward to continuing this adventure with you.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.